Manila: Tiga beradik membunuh ibu mereka sebelum memakan organnya mentah-mentah selepas upacara dipercayai bertujuan menghalau roh jahat dalam badan wanita itu.
Jiran melaporkan terdengar bunyi pelik dari rumah itu beberapa hari sebelum mayat Musala Amil, 56, ditemui di bandar Ampatuan.
Menurut Ketua Polis Ampatuan Inspektor Ronald De Leon, mayat wanita itu kehilangan beberapa anggota badan selain tidak berdarah.

Three sons butchered their mother with machetes and ate her raw internal organs in an apparent ritualistic killing in Ampatuan, Philippines
Tiga anak lelakinya - Dante, 35, Paroy, 21, dan Ibrahim, 18 - bagaimanapun menafikan membunuh ibu mereka sebaliknya mendakwa cuba mengubati penyakit dipercayai diakibatkan roh jahat dalam kejadian yang berlaku Rabu lalu.
Katanya, polis turut menyiasat laporan bahawa keluarga berkenaan mempunyai masalah mental, namun tidak menolak kemungkinan mereka berada di bawah pengaruh dadah.
“Ketiga-tiga adik-beradik tinggal bersama ibu mereka di sebuah ladang di Purok Nabadtog.

DANTE (kanan), Paroy (kiri) dan Ibrahim menafikan tuduhan bunuh ibu mereka.
“Semuanya akan menjalani ujian dadah,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan, semalam.
Sementara itu ahli jawatankuasa kampung berkenaan mendakwa tiga beradik terbabit bertindak seperti binatang apabila membunuh dan meratah mayat ibu mereka. - Agensi
Laporan Berita Di Manila:
They said they had been trying to drive away an illness they believed was brought on by a bad spirit. Officials investigating events leading to the gory discovery said the ritual killing happened last Wednesday.

This is the house in Ampatuan, Philippines, where three sons are alleged to have killed their mother

Police discovered the badly mutilated body with several parts missing, drained of blood
Police are looking into reports the family had a history of mental disorders but are not ruling out the role of drug abuse in the killing.
Senior Inspector Ronald De Leon, Ampatuan Chief of Police, said the suspects will undergo drug tests.
The three men are of the Moro indigenous ethnic Muslim race.

It is claimed three sons butchered their mother with machetes and ate her raw internal organs in this house

Neighbours reported hearing strange noises coming from the family home for days

Police are looking into reports the family had a history of mental disorders but are not ruling out the role of drug abuse in the killing All three suspects reside in a family farm at Purok Nabadtog in Barangay Kamasi in Ampatuan.
Community leaders said the three men killed their mother and feasted on parts of her body as if they were wild animals. The village drew notoriety for the 2009 massacre of 58 people.
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